First Gen Summit


Last Updated: Jul 25, 2024, 01:57 PM

Class Action

Since 2004, Class Action has worked with first-generation students to ease their transition to college. Through consultations and workshops on and within many campuses throughout the northeastern region of the United States, Class Action has offered first-gen students access to the materials, tools, and networking opportunities necessary to thrive in a college environment. Class Action also works with campus administrations to identify obstacles to first gen and low-income students.

Class Action's Vision
A world without classism:

  • Meets everyone's basic needs.
  • Treats people from every background, race, class status, and rank with dignity and respect.
  • Supports the development of all people to their full potential.
  • Reduces the vast differences in income, wealth, and access to resources.
  • Ensures everyone has a voice in the decisions that affect them.