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Last Updated: Jul 25, 2024, 01:57 PM

Assistant Dean of Students, First Saluki Center

SIU's Dr. Lanel LoveDr. Lanel LoveLanel Love is the Assistant Dean of Students and the First Saluki Center at SIU Carbondale, and is herself a first-generation college graduate receiving her Bachelor's degree in Technical Careers, her Master’s degree in Workforce Education and Development, and her Doctorate degree in Educational Leadership with a specialization in Higher Education. Lanel has been employed with SIU Carbondale for fourteen (14) years, in which she was a program coordinator for the Upward Bound Program and Assistant Director for the Student Multicultural Resource Center. Her professional experience entails program development, human resources, policy and contract interpretation, budget preparation, curriculum design, operations management, budget administration, program management, first-year students, academic coaching, and cultural training.

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