We Serve the First, and Very Best, Students.


Last Updated: Aug 08, 2024, 12:41 PM

Important Information

  • Student Success Stats

    First Saluki Center peer mentoring program opened in August 2019. First-generation students that participate in the peer mentoring program:

    • 90% of our students persist each academic semester.
    • 93% of our student’s academic achievement is above a 2.0 cumulative grade point average each semester.
    • 2,575 mentoring/advising meetings.
    • 100% of students would recommend the First Saluki Center peer mentoring program to other first-generation students.
  • Did You Know?

    • At SIU Carbondale, 40% of undergraduate students are first generation.
    • National Data Fact on First-Generation College Students: As of academic year 2015-16, 56% of undergraduates nationally were first-generation college students (neither parent had a bachelor’s degree), and 59% of these students were also the first sibling in their family